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The Fake Slide


GCF Top Poster
Fanatics Cash
By now I guess everyone has seen the fake slide by Pitt’s Quarterback in the ACC Championship.  I think this is a BS move and should not be allowed.  You can barely touch a quarterback now as it is and you can clearly see both defenders pull up from trying to tackle his.  You are asking for more quarterbacks to take hits as they go to the ground if you allow this.  IMHO.  

I agree.  I am tired of all the sissy football. Quarterbacks are players, and should have to deal with it.  I don't want people having brain damage because of playing, but it's gotten ridiculous how little people get hit.  Launching at someone's head is not cool, but the rest should be left alone.

IMO it should be a 15 yard penalty at the spot of the foul and loss of down.

I agree with Blitzy. Pretending to initiate a move which limits the defense's ability to hit you, and then not doing it, is not cool at all.

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Yeah, I'm hoping a change comes from this.  You can't fake a protection that was put in for your safety, in order to fool the defense and gain more yards -- that will simply be counter-productive to the purpose of the rule, as defenses will have to follow through on hits to ensure it's not a fake.  Maybe the QB should have to signal intent to invoke the "give up" protection, maybe a hand signal like a fair catch punt, and once that signal is invoked the ball is dead at that spot.  If the signal is not invoked, the QB is just another runner and all normal tacking is allowed.

Exactly -  if he fakes it you have full ability to light his azz up - all protection rules are out the window.

Exactly -  if he fakes it you have full ability to light his azz up - all protection rules are out the window.
Problem is the defense does not know it is a fake and pull up and he keeps going.  I think they need to put a rule in that the quarterback cannot fake a slide.  It is taking advantage of a rule that is designed to benefit them already.  They should not be able to double dip on that benefit.  

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Problem is the defense does not know it is a fake and pull up and he keeps going.  I think they need to put a rule in that the quarterback cannot fake a slide.  It is taking advantage of a rule that is designed to benefit them already.  They should not be able to double dip on that benefit.  

I hope Doty runs like Pickett next season; will be a long season if he doesn't do stuff like this more often to keep defenses honest.
