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Tea Party Patriots Represent the TAXPAYERS


Regal Premier Gamecock
Fanatics Cash
Taxpayers are the class of citizens who have been jilted by the "national" (no longer the "federal")government. To say that it is "the people" who are disregarded and treated with antipathy is not specific enough. Why? Because "the people" include the wretched leeches who vote for redistribution in order to enrich themselves with largesse taxed and confiscated from entrepreneurs and risktakers who - make no mistake - are the wealth creators for this nation and the wellspring for all jobs including local, state and federal government workforces. All the wealth necessary to pay workers, including the taxes they "pay" which fund government on all levels - however partially - is generated through entrepreneurship and when the needs of government exceed the capacity of that economic engine to fund it, rather than restraining itself by cutting its spending, government borrows and even creates money out of thin air in order to spend without restraint - unimpeded by the simple bounds of common sense and logic. Unfortunately, in order to accomplish these ends tactics such as deriding oppponents, lying, and deception must be employed by politicians. Why don't politicians tell the truth? Primarily because they can't incriminate themselves. The worst enemy of government is truth.

That's why the mainstream media in this country has metamorphosised into a cottage industry engaged in the concealment, debunkment, and misrepresentation of truth which caters to expansionist government politicians. Why? Because the politicians - the very ones who can spend without restraint - have created a lucrative market for misinformation. Misinformation is the primary tool enabling politicians of both major political parties to treat TAXPAYERS with condescension, arrogance and disrespect by spending more than we could ever pay for simply through taxation. Thus it is with deceit and arrogance that the Washington politicians of both major political parties condescend to over-burdened taxpayers who simply think that government - like any private citizen - should live within its means and that it not borrow from our enemies and debase our currency through "monetary policy", and devise phony accounting standards for government in order to finance a lifestyle that this Nation can't possibly support through a system of fair taxation.

Again, since simple common sense is no ally to the expansionists of both parties, the only means to sell their insane nonsense to voters are the tactics of concealment, derision, and misinformation. Thus, such politicians and their willing accomplices in the media refer to taxpayers merely trying to exercise common sense over government as racists, bigots, homophobes, nutjobs, "legislative arsonists", anarchists, Nazis, etc., when in fact, the real insanity is to mortgage the future of our children and grandchildren with hundreds of trillions of dollars of debt and unfunded liabilities, to debase the value of our currency through flooding the world with devalued currency in order to figuratively repay our just dollars of debt with quarters, and resorting to phony government accounting rules which allow government to never be accountable for anything. And worse, this is all accomplished at the expense of federalism, and at the expense of individual freedom, liberty, and private property rights.

My fear is that the insatiable appetite for revenue has driven politicians to to behold themselves to the most unsavory characters on the planet. Will somebody please explain to me how anything about our immigration or foreign policy serves the national security interests of America and Americans? The deployment of our financial and military resources simply can not be explained to us as serving those interests through simple common sense and logic. On the other hand, if you view the deployment of resources through the prism of our serving as a surrogate for the Muslim Brotherhood serving their interests - NOW IT MAKES SENSE! What on earth have they done to beholden us to those maniacs? Go to Barnwell, Winnsboro, Belton, Laurens and so many other soon to be ghost towns and ask yourself what happened to cause all those empty rusting buildings which used to employ thousands of people in SC and all over the country? Our manufacturing industries and jobs have been sold right out from under us, that's what happened.

It has always been my contention that the two party system is the vehicle by which power is wrested and consolidated in the hands of both parties who venture to tax, borrow, print, and spend with impunity despite what taxpayers want. Note, only taxpayers object to this practice. Dependent lemmings think it's fine and dandy. Why is it that you can scarcely be elected dogcatcher if you're not from one of those two parties? Members of both of those parties pass election laws and regulations to exclude anyone who wants to express a common sense viewpoint. Why weren't the Libertarian, the National Taxpayer Party, or any other parties present in the Presidential debates? The two party system has succeeded in shutting out any views contrary to the unfettered unrestrained growth of government. If you consider yourself a conservative who has voted for Republicans, I hate to disappoint you but look no further than the Bush Administration for the proof of this. Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency but rather than cutting spending, borrowing, and monetary policy they spent with impunity. They created a new entitlement - Medicare prescription drug coverage. They nationalized education, passing a bill written by Ted Kennedy. So, in my opinion, the Republican party is one head of a two headed monster designed to mollify and delude conservative leaning people into thinking that their views are being represented, but they tell us one thing while doing quite another.

If anyone thinks I am depressed and disturbed by the current state of government, he is right. I am ashamed of what this Country has become. I am ashamed to be part of the generation which is failing to pass along the blessings of freedom, liberty, and private property rights to future generations. I think of the blood sacrificed by so many of my predecessors to secure these blessings for me and I am ashamed. So, I have decided I can't sit by complaining and doing nothing and have been looking for some way to make my voice heard. I have discovered that Freedom Works and the Tea Party Patriots are excellent mechanisms for us to let our representatives know what we taxpayers want and expect. Will I be maligned and labeled as a nutjob homophobe racist bigot for aligning myself with the Tea Party? Probably - there's a whole industry fighting against truth and I and the Tea Party are for truth, common sense, and logic.

We can all sit around and complain about politicians not listening to us, but truthfully have we been doing everything we can do to let our representatives know what we want? That's what the Tea Party does - they keep me informed on a very timely basis about legislation and events that deserve my attention and provide me with the means and information to contact the people who are supposed to represent me. I call the entire SC delegation except for Clyburn (lemming servant of the lemmings) almost every week to tell them what I want regarding immigration, Obamacare, Syria, etc. The Tea Party is also trying to recruit and raise up ordinary citizens who believe in simple truth, common sense, and logic to run for political office. Unfortunately, I think they've decided this can only occur through the defeating the two headed monster from within itself. Third paties are simply locked out of the political process.

Just because you or I are not the people elected to cast votes in Washington does not mean that we have no duty to engage in the political process. We have a civic responsibility to communicate our views and desires to our elected leaders. They have done what they have done in part because they think we don't care what they do. The Tea Party is the best vehicle I have found to facilitate this for me as well as to promote candidates who will fight for common sense and truth in government.

This is all I have time to write at this moment, but I will expand my reasoning in the future. I invite opposing viewpoints but be careful if you do - tread lightly and be respectful.

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This nation is full of those who would eagerly sell out their Liberty for a single meal if they could (note the Jacob/Esau biblical reference). The people that do this sicken me.

But the far right is not the answer any more than the far left is.  The answer has to come from all people, and those people must meet in the middle.  Unfortunately we're not at a point where we as a nation have been humbled enough yet because of many poor decisions.

In other words, I believe it will get worse before it gets better.  And sad to say, it is the African-Americans in this country who are going to have the biggest say as to when things will actually get better.

Just a few random thoughts....

You didn't read my post, did you?

You didn't read my post, did you?
Do I have to in order to offer a few random thoughts?

But for the record I scanned it.

And the Tea Party is D.O.A. when it comes to the power of the D.C. political machine in my opinion.

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Anyone want popcorn, should be interesting...

Actually, Shep, it would be nice if your "random thoughts" were somehow related to the subject of the thread. I took a lot of time and put a lot of thought into my original post and I invite the opinions of others who take the time to read and respond thoughtfully. Frankly, you did not do that, so perhaps you should start another thread since your remarks are completely unrelated, irrelevant, and therefore inappropriate in this thread.

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